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JOHNSCARS - a pictorial history of all my cars from age 4 to the present
2003 BMW Z4 Photo Album - Brand new inJan, 2003
Car Wash (November 5, 2005)
- in my alley "on the Hill"
2001 Toyota Tacoma XtraCab 4 X 4
      Brand New        
      Ready to Retire ALBUM
2007 BMW Z4 3.0i - Brand new in May, 2007 in "the alley"
1947 Chevy    ("Barney", aka "ChevyBeach")
       Chevy at the lake A-frame   (picture)
       Chevy and trees   (picture)
       Chevy on its arrival in Rehoboth Beach   (album)
       Chevy on the day of its DE "christening"  (album

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